
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Baskets at Educational Enrichment Systems (EES) with Bill Walton & Deni Jacobs

EES is near and dear to our hearts, and we so enjoy the opportunity to document the wonderful work they do!

This week, volunteers gathered with NBA legend Bill Walton and local philanthropist, Deni Jacobs, to pack and distribute 100 bags of food to deserving EES Families. Meanwhile, we documented the event and interviewed board members about their experiences with EES and how beneficial the program is to their young students. Footage will be used for local news coverage and to encourage donor support in future video edits for the organization.

EES receives state funding to help prepare low income children for kindergarden. Programs like EES save local school districts money, because prepared students achieve more and require fewer interventions. In the last few years the state has cut early education funding by 40%. If you would like to donate or find out more about the amazing work EES does, please visit:

Monday, November 5, 2012

NASSCO Wins Contract

At the end of last month NASSCO won a (tentative) contract to build two large petroleum tankers. It is suspected that this move will aid the company in sustaining 500 jobs at the San Deigo shipyard. NASSCO is the last major shipbuilder on the west coast.

Congratulations to all NASSCO executives and employees for keeping this business in San Diego and sustaining a stream of revenue into our local economy!

More ships!

A few weeks ago, we wrote about an employee event we covered for NASSCO and we're always happy to witness our clients success.